After working 12 days straight, a day of fun with the world's sweetest little girl was in order. We visited the Jacksonville zoo (which was nearly empty at 9am) and saw birds, monkeys, giraffes, penguins and more. Here are couple of snapshots of our day.
Jocelyn next to the ape.
Jocey wanted to ride each animal including a seahorse, zebra, elephant and alligator. In the end, she went with the king of the jungle.
It is amazing how close these birds would let you get. Here she is waving at her new friend.
Our final adventure, was the train on the zoo with grandpa.
What a great weekend. The rest of the day was spent doing household choirs, including some spring cleaning. We moved Jocelyn's "tower" into her bedroom and filled it with all of her animals. Now she loves to run away from me and hide inside with her friends.
Great fun!