Tonight Jocelyn is in a big girl bed.
Cory and I double checked all of the baby proofing and sat in her room until she feel asleep. I can not believe this day has come. I looked at her in the toddler bed and couldn't help but think "she is too little for this..she's still my baby". Even now, I want to curl up on her floor to be sure she is safe.

Cory & I are a mess, but Jocey did great. We told her to stay in bed and she did, even if it was a struggle for her to get comfortable. (She normally likes to stick her feet through the bars of her crib and was finding a hard time doing so in this bed.) Later, Cory and I snuck onto the back porch to peak into her room, making sure she'd stayed in bed. She looked right up at us, smiled and settled her head back down. It's almost as if she was thinking.."silly mommy, it's just a couple of less bars."
And it is silly, except that's my baby in that big girl bed.