Can you believe it is November already? This time of year seems to pass too quickly. I love the holidays, but I am not ready to hear Christmas carols while running my daily errands. 

Our Halloween went good. We decorated the entire house with spider webs and Jocelyn spent the month of October calling the spiders "flutterflies". The day before Halloween I took the day off work and went to Jocelyn's school. We did arts and crafts and trick-or-treated at the different classrooms. (Well, I trick-or-treated, Jocelyn used the opportunity to weasel her way into the 'big kids' classroom and play with their 'big kids' toys.) Afterwards, I spent the day taking her around to visit friends and family in her costume.
Halloween night, Jocelyn enjoyed going door-to-door for candy. Every time we passed a kid in a costume she recognized (like the witches) she'd point them out. I think at this age viewing the characters was her favorite part. She also had her first taste of chocolate M&Ms. She definately has my sweet tooth.
So, the first real Halloween experience was a huge success and one I will forever remember.